How to transfer a paper rug hooking pattern to foundation fabric using tulle
You can easily transfer a paper pattern image to your foundation fabric using tulle netting, tape, and a black marker.
1. Tape the full size paper pattern to the work surface. This will hold it steady as you trace over it.
2. Tape tulle on top of the pattern. This will need to be done more thoroughly, as the tulle is a bit wiggly. You don't want it shifting once you begin tracing.
3. Use the black marker and trace the lines of the pattern.
4. Lift the tulle, tape and all, from the paper pattern. Leave the tape in place.
5. Exchange the paper pattern for the foundation fabric on the work surface. Tape to the work surface.
6. Tape tulle over the foundation fabric and go over the pattern lines showing on the tulle.
7. Remove tulle. You will have a faint outline of the full size pattern clearly visible on the foundation fabric. Go over the lines once again with the black marker to make them more visible. You are now ready to begin rug hooking your new project.